August 15, 2019 – The Assumption

The Assumption


Today, we celebrate the solemnity of Assumption.  The Book of Revelation narrates the great sign and battle that happened before the birth of Christ.  In the Responsorial Psalm, Mary’s beauty was exalted.  In the second reading, Christ defeated death through His resurrection, while in the Gospel, Mary sang the Magnificat.

Today’s celebration is part of the mystery of our salvation showing that Mary was preserved from original sin and assumed into heaven.  Mary’s singing of the Magnificat in the gospel is a reminder to us that as children of God, we are all called to praise God and the greatest way to do that is through our lives.  To praise God means to do His will at every moment of our lives as Mary did.  Her life was marked always with a response “behold the handmaid of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your will”.

We are called to imitate her in all circumstances of life as the best example in our effort to do God’s will. Today, as the Church presents Mary to us, as an example, we may need to ask ourselves, to what extent do I imitate her?  Do I run to her for help, especially in moments of temptation and difficulties?  To imitate Mary means to lead a life of prayer as she did from the moment we wake till we go to bed.  It means that we are to be a sign of God’s presence for others just as Mary was for Elizabeth.  To be sign of God’s presence means that we need to fill our lives with His presence.

Another important aspect of today’s celebration is that Mary’s Assumption brings to focus the importance of our human body that is cherished by God.  Mary’s body that was assumed into heaven looked like ours.  Thus, our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit that should be cared for through avoidance sins, especially sins of impurities.