May 10, 2020 – Fifth Sunday of Easter

Dearest sisters and brothers, in today’s gospel, Jesus said to his disciples, “I am the way, the truth and the life… let not your hearts be troubled.  St. Thomas Aquinas tells us that when Jesus says he is the way, we think about his “human nature” where he showed us example of how to live our individual lives.  Jesus’ earthly life’s example is the direction each of us is to follow to get to the father.  As truth and life, Jesus is our God.  He is our end to which each of us is called.  He is our lives’ destination since we are to love him in order to be with him at the end.

In our lives, Jesus is the only way by which we come to know the truth and anyone seeking life is called to take the way of Christ, which is the truth.  Aquinas admonishes us further that “it is better to limp along the right way than stride along the wrong one.  For a man who limps along the way, even if he only makes slow progress, comes to the end of the way; but one who is off the way, the more quickly he runs, the further away is he from his goal”.  To be safe, we must hold fast to Christ.

In the first reading, the apostles chose seven men to be deacons at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  In their action, they followed the way of Jesus, their master.  It is important to remind ourselves that anyone who remains with Christ does not wander off on the wrong path.  He guides such a person through the work of his Holy Spirit.

In today’s first reading, the apostles were to concentrate on prayer and preaching of the Word while the chosen deacons are to dedicate themselves to the ministry of service.  Today, each of us is being called to live as the apostles and the seven deacons did.  We are to preach the word by our life examples.  We are to be prayerful people interceding always for all.  We are to be at the service of our sisters and brothers.  There are many ways to serve people today including soliciting for the welfare of our neighbor.  It is only when we are doing that that we are living the life of resurrection.